Monday, March 3, 2008

More Biting

We've been moving this past weekend. The house looks awesome...we're SO EXCITED!
I'll post pictures later maybe.

G picked AH up from school while mom and I ran to Home Depot...again!

YIKES... my kid bit 2 times today before lunch!
Dang it, I thought we were finished with that! Better go read some books or something!
I guess i'll have to keep you posted on the issue and I'd love advice if you know of anything to try.

**** UPDATE****
Okay, some of you have emailed for more specifics! We've never seen her bite; she only likes to bite at school. (She really isn't aggressive as we and her teachers have observed-doesn't hit or pull toys yet) Her teachers tell me sometimes she's biting out of frustration. For example, she bit this little boy who tried to hug her. She told him "no thank you" and he hugged her again, So she bit him on the finger. Sometimes she just bites for the heck of it. Teacher saw her walk across the room to this little boy, pick up his hand and bit his finger! The last bite was because someone was pointing at her, so she bit his finger. They've all been boys- they've all been bitten on the finger!
Teachers make her apologize and she goes into time out! When we pick her up...if she has bitten she gets the spank spoon and can't play her Elmo computer game. We tried the bite thing too!


Anonymous said...

MMM - Briggs was a biter to the point of almost expulsion from MDO. Great. It's genetic.
does she bite friends when y'all are around? The most awful sounding advice I got for Briggs was the one thing that worked...
If he bit while I was around (and we obviously weren't in a public place, I thumped his mouth. It took 2x and we were cured. It was a mouth crime, so he did some mouth time...

katie said...

do you know why she is biting? is it over anything? toys or frustration? does she do it at home too?

wish i had some good advice...