Tuesday, September 25, 2007

How Kids Think...

Check out this website...http://howkidsthink.wordpress.com/
I'm LOVING the discussion they have these days! I don't comment on anything, but I enjoy gathering info and learning about different views on parenting...
Here's a little sample....
"Thanks for visiting the How Kids Think blog. How Kids Think is a project of God’s World Publications, the publisher of God’s World News and WORLD Magazine. We hope you’ll bookmark us and visit often over the next two months to participate in our research of what it means to teach children from a biblical worldview in a postmodern world."

Here is one of the latest questions they discussed.
"How do we go about equipping kids during their first eighteen years for the kinds of attacks they’ll face in the “real” world without overprotecting on the one hand and overwhelming on the other? How do we maintain the right balance between what is taught and what is caught?"
Interesting stuff, huh? I love all this kind of stuff.

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