Thursday, August 12, 2010

Baby Catherine

Love my Baby KK..she's a little mess. Loves to dress up and absolutely drives big sister bonkers. They do things SO differently. It will be fun watching them love on each other as they get older.
I don't get too many pictures of her all out smiling..Baby C is pretty serious. I think she's trying to make it away with this baby before AnnieBoo catches her.

And thanks again to M. at Trolard Imaging...for helping us get some sweet pictures!
I have a million...but I'll only put up a few...they take awhile to upload.

still loves animals...but very much into baby dolls these days.


Tegan said...

Your children are absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Love your sweet pea girlie girls! I don't know what that's like on this end. We're in to cars, trucks, tools and trains:)!!!

Angie Davis said...

so sweet!

Val said...

Excited to find new posts this morning to see!! That baby is as beautiful as her big sister- love them!!