Tuesday, November 11, 2008

professional photo friends

We have some super talented friends! We used to hang out as couples and had so much fun...now we still have fun but alot of our time consists of taking pictures of our little ones. I'm so thankful for you guys! We miss you like crazy! We love your new hobby too! These are great pictures.
If you need pictures and live in Bham...you need to call them! I can hook you up!

catch up...

loved getting candy :) She would scream from the door...dad I got more candy!

Thanks for letting us borrow from the farm TTom. We loved our ride!!
G, your totally the best for thinking of that idea and cleaning for us!

I had to post these because I thought it was a super fun idea. For Halloween our neighborhood goes crazy. There were like 25+ golf carts and ATV's going around pulling trailers full of kids! It was hilarious to watch swarms of kids running from door to door like ants. You should start this in your neighborhood next year if ya'll need some fun!
Thanks for including us friends....we can't wait to be home all the time!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Baby Monitor ?

We tried several different baby monitors and I love my Philips monitor. It has a night light on the child's unit and a talk back feature that I love. I can tell AnnieBoo to get back in bed when I hear her playing without going in her room. 2 parent listening units, rechargeable, it's digitally awesome with no feed back ever!!! I found a great deal and LOVE LOVE it!

But, with 2 little ones, I'm interested in listening to 2 rooms.
The girls will be upstairs in different rooms and we'll be downstairs.
I would like to listen to AH and new baby if needed! (I'm not interested in a video monitor)
Do I have any options besides 2 completely separate units?
Any suggestions or advice?
Thanks for the help!