Dear Ethan's mom,
Please let me apologize and beg your forgiveness for my daughter biting your child!
The teacher says, she bit hard enough to break the skin- I'm SO sorry!
We are VERY aware of the situation and wanted to let you know we're trying to make her stop.
Hopefully the hundreds of books we bought off amazon today will help us handle this issue.
Sorry again!
Yep, it happened again. The spankin'spoon fits nicely inside her backpack so we were ready. Mom had a great day shopping so I was ready to handle
the situation with much tact and control :)
I've read alot on this subject of big factors is toddlers just don't realize how much it hurts...(if they haven't been bitten themselves yet)...lots of books suggested a small little bite on the finger to show your child what hurt is. I tried that too! No ugly email about that....I was in complete control...its okay!