Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Roadtrip MC

We do have an MC cheerleader outfit. She screamed "go alice" the whole time, even when alice came out.

it rained and we had to run really fast to car...here's AH soaked

alice had moves

the college was so pretty. a good cross between montevallo and samford

Love you Alice...i'm send you more pictures!


Amanda said...

AH is adorable, and I can't wait to see pics of baby girl and AH all matchy matchy! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Hey I would say MC is totally a campus of it's own. Definitely not like Samford or Montevallo. Maybe they just wish they were like MC haha. I am glad that you guys had a blast and Annie Boo does look like a true big girl cheer leader in her outfit. Come back soon!

Alice said...

i think it is a good cross between to two. i agree moo love. thanks for coming to visit